So I was doing a little research on the armadillo and it turns out that only the three banded armadillo can roll into a ball. The three banded armadillo only lives in South America, especially in the Mato Grosso area of Brazil. You can read more about them here: are some pictures of the Mato Grosso area:
Well, we might want to go with the more generic lay-man's view of the Armadillo and say, "Hey, it's an armadillo, of course it can roll into a ball." I mean, how many cars are we going to see rushing by in Mato Grosso.
I guess it could be a fast donkey-cart?
I do really love the environment potential in that second image, though. It almost makes me think we should do it as being hit by a donkey-cart.
actually, the thought did cross my mind that we might use something besides a car for our vehicle, so that we could open up more environment possibilities. There is such a diversity of environments in which the various species of armadillo live.
Very true, but only the nine banded one jumps when it gets scared so it smacks right into the fender of a car, which would have gone right over it. So maybe we should combine like rogan said.
Taking the car out would make it more timeless as well.
Is it a requirement that it has to roll up in ball? I wasn't aware that it needed to do that.
I would be a big fan of doing something other than modern day America. But Mato Grosso might be too much like PiƱatas. It would be really cool, though.
i don't think that the rolling up into a ball thing is a requirement. Nor is the jumping thing. The fact is, no one but the most dyed in the wool armadillo fans are going to know that only the three banded armadillo can roll up into a ball, and that only the nine banded armadillo can jump, and that those armadillos only live in specific places. Honestly, who watches "the road to el dorado" and says (or even thinks) "was that armadillo three banded? cause if it's not, it shouldn't be able to roll into a ball, and this movie sucks." most normal people think that el dorado sucks for other reasons. Anyways, I guess I'm trying to make two points: first, I agree with rogan in that the average lay-man (as opposed to the exceptional lay-man) isn't going to know what a particular species of armadillo can or can't do, and beyond that, our designs might look so designy and different from a real armadillo, that it's species won't be obvious to anyone; second, just because the idea of an armadillo rolling up into a ball or jumping and getting caught in the car's grill may be a funny or appealing idea, doesn't mean that we HAVE to do it; we may or may not find a reason to do that , and we shouldn't structure the story around a fun idea for one shot.
I agree with all the things Jeremy said. This is our film, so we can do whatever we want with it, and because of that and all the many possibilities that are available to us, we shouldn't get stuck on an idea or shot that we haven't actually discussed yet. And I know I sound like a broken record and I've said this a million times before, but just because our poor armadillo is getting hit by some sort of fast-moving object, doesn't mean we have to show her actually being hit. I think it would detract from the film, and if we are trying to be more "family friendly" or steer away from typical "student films", I think we can be much more creative and tasteful than thinking that we need to graphically show her death just because some people think it would be "funny". I'm really open to whatever style or environment or way this story goes, but this is the only thing I'm really adamant about. Sorry if that sounds mean, it's not meant to, but I just thought I'd get my two-cents in. Thanks guys!
I agree with Jeremy and Jenny.
I personally feel that a Brazilian environment would be WONDERFUL. I think these little guys getting run over by some run-down jalopy going 150mph would be really fun. Not only this but it gives a little bit of a different feel for "road kill" than our stereotypical united statesian ideas.
However, a Texas environment would also be cool.
Also, I think it is funnier if the environment is desolate b/c then it makes the sudden cars even MORE unexpected (and funnier).
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