Monday, January 28, 2008

VisDev Group Summary

Hi all. Jenny the soon-to-be producer just asked me to post the summary of what happened in VisDev today.

It was decided that there will be a service station. Brent pretty much laid down the law on this and everyone (I think) was in agreement. The station should probably have structure elements that allow for perspective lines in low and high camera angles.

Our goal for Wednesday is to collect tons of reference from ANYTHING and compile that into the groups folder before class Wednesday. We will be deciding on lighting/color/style directions on Wednesday, at least that is my understanding. It was decided that in general we want bright, saturated colors with stylized shapes but with fairly realistic textures, such as in Pinatas, etc.

Our goal for Monday is to have as many nice concept pieces as we can for environments and characters. These pieces will be full-color like the Gladiator concept work.


Rogan said...

We did not decide for sure that there will be a service station. We decided that we should have some sort of run-down building, and a service station was something that Brent suggested, but he is okay with whatever building we come up with.

Rachel said...

Run-down buildings are cool, and the texture artists would have fun on it. I am definitely OK with that.