Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rigging Presentation

We met with Tim to go over rigging issues with the Armadillo. David Dunn video-recorded it all so you can ask him for the tape.

Here are the notes from the meeting:
* Really like Mike Mercer's design's nose. Better to not have it slanting up. Thought it was more feminine.
* When shoulder is moved back we want to make sure the shoulder stays rounded so it doesn't look like it is just skin. Make sure it never gets too convex.
* Adapt the stuff from skites for the dynamics of the joints (inertia associated with ears)
* Keep eyeballs as spherical as you can
* There will not be a lot of lower lid
* Model the lids closed so you can always get to a nice, tight lids-closed look
* Chris' design will have trouble with eye-brow mass. Make sure we can play with eye-brow mass.
* Make sure we get all the possibilities of emotion in the face as possible.
* Somehow the shell should be able to slide back around so you can get the arms back.
* Likes that Mike's design has some wiggle-room around the middle of the back.
* You have to know where to cheat, don't try and make it all correct.
* Likes long ears. Ears can be used for expression.
* Make the whole character one geometry mesh. Will help prevent intersections.
* Shell on back can be like shawl that is pulled up. Controls for making top of shell go up and down and bottom of shell. Controls for moving it back from sides so arms can go out.

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